They allow you to pull back, get inspired, become spacious, detox, and spend time with God.Retreat comes from the Latin verb “to pull back.” So, retreat, or a retreat, is a place where you pull back from the world. Click here to read more.
Retreats can be designed especially for your needs.I’ve worked with catechists, school staffs, parish councils, RCIA groups, women’s groups, Dominican lay volunteers, pastoral care ministers, vowed women religious, and young adults.Contact me to discuss how I can best meet your needs.
What if? Experiments in Faith. Many of us were not encouraged to ask questions; we were given all the answers. And when we did have questions, we may have defined ourselves outside of the fold. Using some Catholic...
Give us this day Our focus on this metaphor is used as a means to experience a deeper recognition of God’s presence and the sacramentality of our every day life experience. The spiritual benefits...
Maybe some of us have been desiring something more in life, wanting more time or ambition, seeking something deeper such as meaning or purpose?
Based on the story of Liz in the movie, Eat,...
A Pearl of Great Worth – Praying With Poetry Here is an opportunity for a life-affirming, faith-renewing retreat to feed your body and soul. The Sophia women’s retreat will rejuvenate through encouraging messages, uplifting...
Sing a New Song: Psalms in Many Voices. In our liturgy the psalms are proclaimed more than any other book in the first testament, and how often do we REALLY contemplate their meaning for...