They allow you to pull back, get inspired, become spacious, detox, and spend time with God.Retreat comes from the Latin verb “to pull back.” So, retreat, or a retreat, is a place where you pull back from the world. Click here to read more.
Retreats can be designed especially for your needs.I’ve worked with catechists, school staffs, parish councils, RCIA groups, women’s groups, Dominican lay volunteers, pastoral care ministers, vowed women religious, and young adults.Contact me to discuss how I can best meet your needs.
The cosmos is a cathedral built by a brilliant & loving architect. It is meant to inspire reverence and awe in us. It is meant to be the place where we can glimpse the mystery of...
How much of our time is spent dreaming and wishing? Hope takes us to the next level, beyond dreaming and wishing, to a place of total reliance on God’s faithfulness. Hope asks more of us; it...
Pilgrimage was a very important aspect of Celtic spirituality and pilgrimage is still very much alive in Ireland. Pilgrimage is always a search for God and God’s goodness. True pilgrimage has to do with...
Seasons of the Soul. When we come to worship, we celebrate in ritual what is unfolding in the cosmos, in the countryside, in the home and in the heart. The seasons of the Soul are...
Interior Design: Exploring the Breadth of God. When we think of landscape we often think of external geography; rolling hills, never-ending plains, tall pine trees rising towards the blue sky or the place where the...
Dominican Life: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow The four pillars of Dominican Spirituality: Prayer, Study, Community Life and Preaching, provide us with a foundation for our Christian discipleship. Sts. Dominic and Catherine of Siena are among...
Be-attitude of Gratitude. During this retreat, through prayer, input, reflection, conversations, and contemplation, participants will be invited to be in the present moment, attentive to the munificent graciousness of God.
Parables: The Stories of Our Lives. Just as Jesus used powerful parables to teach, the stories of our journey have the power to strengthen our own developing faith. Join us as we take a...
ANCESTRY. COMmunity, Celebrating Our Lineage and Legacy. If we don't know where we've been, it's hard to understand where we're going. In this retreat, we'll touch on God's history, our part in it, and how we...
Charisma: You've Got it! Your charism is God's gift to others through you. We will explore some ways to identify, nurture, share, and preach without words.